Capacity development on the IMET tool

3 February 2020


In order to support protected area planning and decision making, BIOPAMA is providing and assessing tools that respond to the specific requests in data collection, information management, protected area management effectiveness, governance and social assessments and others. At the end of this training, participants will have sufficient knowledge and skills to present IMET to their organization to decide whether or not they would like further IMET coach training in order to institutionalize IMET and roll out IMET assessments across their protected and conserved area network.

The objectives of the training workshop are to:


  1. Demonstrate what IMET is, how it works and how it is different from other tools;
  2. Provide an understanding of the six elements of the framework for assessing the management effectiveness of protected areas namely: context, planning, inputs, processes, outputs, outcomes and impacts; and how these are incorporated into the IMET;
  3. Provide information on assessment, monitoring and planning and decision making in the management of protected areas;
  4. Discuss the capacity, skills and funding required to implement IMET at an institutional and site level;
  5. Provide an understanding of the use of IMET at the protected area level but also at the landscape and/or national level.

Training resources:


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