2016 represents the fifth year of BIOPAMA activities in Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries. Highlights include more capacity development for protected area staff at different levels, increased countries engagement particularly in protected area data collection, participation at international events (including the IUCN World Conservation Congress 2016, CITES COP 17, CBD COP 13), networking and experts’ coordination, as well as targeted technical support to countries.
“A key success of BIOPAMA in 2016 was the increased networking and collaboration with regional agencies and initiatives involved in capacity building and data management leading to the consolidation of the Regional Observatories. The trust our partners and donors put in BIOPAMA led to a solid cooperation for making a practical contribution to improving protected areas management and governance in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific”, said Pedro Rosabal, Deputy Director of IUCN’s Global Protected Areas Programme and BIOPAMA’s Programme Manager. “With the support of a dedicated team in IUCN and EC’s Joint Research Centre, BIOPAMA continued in 2016 to deliver results that contribute to achieving some key sustainable development goals in these regions”, he continued.
The pictures in this slideshow capture a few moments of this programme’s implementation throughout the last 12 months.
BIOPAMA’s year in images
13 January: Participants and facilitator collecting water quality data- salinity and temperature in the Molini?re-Beaus?jour marine protected area; at the BIOPAMA data management training for Grenada
15 January: The BIOPAMA capacity development training on terrestrial protected area management is in full swing. Drone group picture of the participants in the Dominican Republic.
3 February: The BIOPAMA IMET training for protected area managers kicks off in Burundi in six pilot protected areas.
4 February: BIOPAMA session at the DG DEVCO InfoPoint in Brussels. ACP Assistant Secretary General Mr Viwanou Gnassounou introduces the event.
23 February: The team in West and Central Africa has just finished the training and completion of the IMET for the five protected areas of the WAP complex (three W, Arly and Pendjari) in West Africa.
25 February: The team in East Africa concluded a successful national workshop in Tanzania. This was the forth workshop in the EAC region, having completed the same workshop in Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda.
1 March: James Davy (JRC) speaking at JRC- IUCN- GIZ meeting with the Southern African Development Community (SADC) in Kruger Park about taking forward the integration of the BIOPAMA RIS and the SADC Trans-Frontier Conservation Area (TFCA) Portal.
6 April : BIOPAMA (IUCN and JRC) met in Ispra the week of 4-8 April 2016
11 April: The IMET formation for marine protected areas in West Africa kicked off in Dakar, Senegal.
18 April: The IMET training in West Africa was followed by data collection in the Diawling National Park. The data collected during three days was further shared and discussed by the participants.
22 April: Data collection continues in the Banc d?Arguin National Park in Mauritania using the IMET (Integrated Management Effectiveness Tool).
12 May: The results of the data collection using IMET in Burundi started this day in Bujumbura. The Director General of OBPE opened the meeting.
3 June: JRC?s Jan Philipp Sch?gner demonstrates the BIOPAMA RRIS to a participant at the Ecosystem Service Partnership Conference in Seoul, South Korea
11 July : BIOPAMA participates in the capacity-building workshop on achieving Aichi Biodiversity Targets 11 and 12, for the Pacific region (11-13 July 2016 in Nadi, Fiji)
20 July: Restitution workshop after the marine protected area data collection using the IMET in the six pilot sites in Senegal
26 July: JRC presents results of the work on marine protected area data using the BIOPAMA tools at the DGDEVCO InfoPoint in Brussels.
18 August: From 17 to 20 August, the OBPE has started the second IMET campaign with the training of eight protected area managers and two officers of the Burundi central administration.
1 September: First day at the IUCN World Conservation Congress, thanking President Obama for expanding Papahanaumokuakea.
2 September: BIOPAMA team meets early morning, before the day kicks off officially at the IUCN Congress 2016
2 September: JRC?s Steve Peedell introduces the IMET during a BIOPAMA session at the Protected Planet Pavilion, at the IUCN Congress 2016
3 September: Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Night gathers more than 100 participants and high level representatives from the European Commission, Kingdom of Tonga and the East African Community Secretariat, at the IUCN Congress.
4 September: IMET demonstration. Four 1h sessions showing in detail how IMET works were hosted every daily during the Congress Forum at the Protected Planet Pavilion.
5 September: BIOPAMA Pacific team from IUCN and SPREP discuss in the setting of a networking event and with the music of Rako Pasefika in the background.
6 September: talking to Dr Muamba Tshibasu Georges, Executive Secretary of the Greater Virunga Transboundary Collaboration about the partnership with BIOPAMA.
27 September: First session of three days of discussions in Ouagadougou on how to improve availability of data on protected areas in West Africa.
3 October: The Southern African Development Cooperation TFCA Portal (which includes a BIOPAMA RRIS component) was launched at CITES COP 17. High level official of Botswana visits the SADC booth.
5 October: Testing the Integrated Management Effectiveness (IMET) tool and approach with Kenya Wildlife Service and Uganda Wildlife Authority for Mt Elgon.
6 October: BIOPAMA at the International Open Data Conference, Madrid, Spain
7 October: group picture at the end of the 5 days of IMET testing for Uganda and Kenya.
23 November, Kigali: BIOPAMA hosts a side event at the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) meeting.
28 November: In Nairobi the BIOPAMA team had discussions on biodiversity databases and links to BIOPAMA and other initiatives in the IGAD region.
30 November: BIOPAMA organized a workshop in Nairobi with the East African States and other actors to advance in the development of the State of the protected areas report for this region.
6 December: A side event at CBD COP 13 in M?xico organized by SPREP profiled the Pacific Islands Protected Area Portal, a collaboration with BIOPAMA.
7 December: Patrice Ngalla, the technical officer for the West and Central African Observatory is representing BIOPAMA in a stakeholders meeting organized by WRI on Landscape Scale Application.