Issue Date: June 1, 2021
Closing Date and Time: June 20th, 2021 at 11:59 PM GMT
BIOPAMA has developed a global communication plan to integrate internal communication in the large
ACP, multi-actors team and external communication with BIOPAMA partners and to promote knowledge
and learning from the programme’s outputs. IUCN in West and Central Africa (WCA) and Eastern and
Southern Africa (ESA) is looking for a consultant to adapt the global communication plan to the region’s
specificities, develop and establish a regional communication plan and a mechanism to promote
knowledge management and dissemination of messages and results.
IUCN invites you to submit a Proposal for the communication and visibility consultancy for the BIOPAMA
programme in West, Central, Eastern and Southern Africa.
The consultant will:
- Sustain and update a coordinated framework to capitalize and promote the knowledge, results
and experiences generated by the implementation of the Action Component and the
implementation of the BIOPAMA programme in WCA and ESA; - Update and support implementation of a visibility and communication plan for WCA and ESA
for the coming IUCN World Conservation Congress (IUCN Congress) in Marseille, September
2021; - Support the implementation of the communication plan of WCA and ESA in coordination with
the BIOPAMA Regional Coordinators and the Global Communication Manager; - Design and graphic facilitation of capacity building activities, products and events (number to
be determined)
Expected deliverables
Develop and support implementation of regional annual communication work plans for ESA
and WCA (examples of tasks included in Annex 1 below);
- Media products (number to be determined based on the annual work plans) such as: updates
on the website, brochures, flyers, posters, articles, interviews with resource people, success
stories, visual graphics, banners, newsletter. - Document and share best practices for learning and capitalising on the results from the
programme’s experience, including the action component, and share these with BIOPAMA
Coordinators and Communications Manager; - Successful visibility and communication action during the IUCN Congress: this includes a
visibility plan before the event and a report on the implemented activities; - Access (for IUCN) to all templates/editable versions used for communication materials noted
To learn more, please consult the Request for Proposals document here: